*** With the festive holidays coming up quickly, we would like to wish you all a merry christmas and all the best for the new year. ***
We will be closed from Tuesday 24th until the 30th of December, so please email any queries and we will get back to you the moment we are back.
The phone lines will be open on the 30th but closed on New years day. After that we will be back to normality and ready to start a new year.
Please bare with us on deliveries as Postman Pat and the poor cat are rushed off their feet trying to keep up with good ol' Santa, so expect some slight delays!
*** Enjoy everyone and we hope to hear from you all in the new year! ***
Interior finishing set for varied floor and installation applications, such as cutting of laminate/parquet, shortening door frames at floor level, plunge cuts in coated boards, wood, cutting of apertures in furniture elements. Set comprising: 1 x plunge saw blade 32 mm HCS (wood), 1 x segment saw blade 85 mm BiM (wood + metal), 1 x scraper rigid 52 mm HCS, 1 x plunge saw blade 32 mm BiM (metal).